You’re worried about the path that your teen is on. You don’t know when things started to go wrong, but now they are very wrong. He has failing grades, he is getting into fights, he doesn’t listen to a thing you say. She is clearly depressed, she won’t tell you anything, but you know she isn’t happy. Teenagers don’t come with an instruction manual, and you have tried everything you can think of to help. Your family always has ideas, but inevitably you feel it is your fault your teen has these problems. Here’s a secret: you haven’t done anything wrong. Your teen is facing the normal hormonal changes of growing up, the same peer pressure and parental expectations that you felt as a teen, but they also have to keep up appearances on social media AND contend with an increased presence of in person and cyber bullying. We will work together to help your teen grow and succeed. It is important for the family to be involved in the therapeutic process as much as the teen. You will be their primary support throughout their teenage years, and hopefully into adulthood. We will open up lines of communication between you and your teen, and work with your teen to address deeper issues that may be causing more significant mental distress.
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